PNP orders enhanced security in tourist spots

3:24 pm on 17 July 2022, Sunday

By Glen Jacob Jose

The Philippine National Police (PNP) ordered all police chiefs and station commanders to increase police visibility and crime prevention measures, especially in tourist spots.

The order was in immediate compliance with the directive of President Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos, Jr. to increase the deployment of policemen in tourist spots in the country to ensure that both local and foreign tourists are safe from criminal elements.

"We understand the logic behind the order of our Commander-In-Chief, President Marcos, to ensure that all areas in the country, especially tourist spots, are safe because tourism plays a big part in the economic recovery plan of the new administration," PNP director for operations, Maj. Gen. Valeriano de Leon said in a statement on Saturday.

"Thus, the PNP officer-in-charge Lt. Gen. Vicente Danao Jr. wants to ensure that all of our police commanders down to the precinct level and municipal police stations comply," he added.

De Leon stated that the security measures in the country's tourist destinations should supplement the prior reminders to all police commanders to regularly update crime mapping in their respective areas of responsibility (AORs).

"Crime mapping is essential because it gives our commanders an advantage in preparing and implementing measures to prevent crimes at a specific time and location.This should be paired with reliable intelligence data about which groups are operating in particular areas," said De Leon

"If this is executed properly, we will be at least one step ahead of these criminal elements and will be able to provide our countrymen with peace of mind in terms of law and order," he added.

De Leon also reminded police commanders to comply with the order of Secretary of the Interior and Local Government Benhur Abalos to intensify efforts to account for loose firearms in the country, stating that loose firearms are usually the primary weapon used to commit crimes.

"Let's do our part for economic recovery by performing well in terms of peace and order, which will benefit our country," he stressed.


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